BR 2407 is a DC Supply System used in MV
Substations, for providing stable DC to Scada
Equipments, Measurement, Protection and MV
Switching Equipments.
To charge the batteries efficiently, BR 2407 is
designed with current and voltage regulator. It
consists of 2 pieces of VRLA type batteries which
are able to work on different positionings and a
charger unit.
Deep Discharge Proof batteries set values is
2,23V/Cell at 20ºC. 12 Cell Battery output voltage
is 27,1 VDC.
To provide DC rectify voltage and isolate the
protection system from the network in terms of
2kV 5mA , BR 2407 has a powerfull transformer
whish has copper wire and “H” class temperature
- Non expolsive
- Maintenance Free
- Deep Discharge Proof
- 5 years expected life time
- Low self-discharge rate, lower than 3% capacity loss per month
- Stable Discharge Curves
- No free acid(Non-spillable battery
Technical Data

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